Everything you need to know about The 5 Chairs video series
In this soundbite, I share The 5 Chairs video series trailer. The 5 Chairs series is a collaborative product, developed by some amazing people, who came together to help show the communication choices we have in the workplace. Join me as we witness how our corporate hero, JD Holden, moves through the chairs. In each episode, JD makes choices that primarily reflect the behaviours of one of The 5 Chairs. In doing so, he helps us to see how, in any given situation, the micro behavioural choices that we make have a lasting impact on how we are perceived in the workplace.

Overcoming a challenge
In this soundbite, I share how wildly unprepared I was for the biggest task I have taken on in my business so far. With time on my hands during the Covid pandemic, and unsure how long virtual working would last, I decided it would be a good idea to create an online version of some of my leadership and coaching products. This decision soon went from being a simple idea to be one of the trickiest projects I have ever taken on. Six- months later and filming is underway.